Run/Walk Info

The 10Kow is a fun run/walk.

We hope you see cows* and enjoy the scenery of our idyllic town.

No timing chips**, hopefully no cow chips, not certified, just a fun time.

Course info:

We now have three course options: two ~10Kowlometer running routes and a ~4Kowlometer walking route. Click links below for route directions & maps.

10Kow - Pasture Finish: The last ~0.75 miles of this route go through the pasture and down the steep hill on the Pasture Trail. You may see cows this way! However, particularly given our wet week, you also have a higher likelihood of mud/squish/very wet feet (plus unhappy knees on the steep descent.)

10Kow - Bridge Finish: The last ~0.75 miles of this route involve a gentler descent and surer, drier footing, ending on the gravel part of Stone Hill Road & the paved driveway down from the Lunder Center.

4Kow: The walkers join the run route after it crosses route 7 and follow the 10Kow route to the Bridge Finish.

Please see emails for cow-pooling details and to select your route. Please email Casey if you'd like a GPX file with your route map.

*One of our prizes is for most cows spotted during the route.

**If you want to time your run, you must bring your own watch or timing equipment.